1. What is “UniFans”?

UniFans is a platform for creators to interact with their fans, as well as a membership subscription platform to help creators earn a consistent and stable income.

2. Why us

  1. Highly Competitive Revenue Split

Creators receive 95% of revenue from subscriptions.

Lower rates than other platforms!

  1. No Creative limitations

We do not restrict your creatives. Be who you are.

Feel free to create with text, image, audio or video.

  1. Diverse Subscription Plans

Showing support comes in many ways.

Choose one that works best for you.

  1. More stable and convenient way of sponsorship

Payment options not limited by borders.

Be there for your international creators with ease.

3. Who should use UniFans

There is no limit to what type of creators can use UniFans. We welcome creators from all fields.

In order to maintain the support of your fans, you should stay committed to your own subscription plans, keep updating them, and interact with your supporters.

4. How to become the Creator

After registering your account, click the "Become a creator" button on the top and complete the "Page Setting" to become a creator. Then You can unlock the features of "Creation Center" and "Add New Post".


5. How to build up your home page


When you click "Become a creator" for the first time, you will enter the “Page Setting”. In the first part, you should fill out your profile, including your avatar and display name, which can be changed later by clicking your avatar in the upper right corner and going to “Account Setting”.


Fill out every detail carefully since your supporters will be able to view this information. The second part is “Membership”, where you can customize your plans’ name, price and membership benefits. We'll give you more details on how to set up your subscription plan in the next section.


Upon entering the above information and clicking publish, your homepage is successfully created. You can view or edit it at any time by clicking on your avatar in the upper right corner.


Using the "Preview" button to check out your homepage. You can also modify or update your homepage on the “Go to Page Setting” or directly go to the Creation Center - Page Setting on the top menu.


6. How to set up your subscription plan

You can create, edit, and delete your subscription plans.



Every creator can publish up to 10 subscription plans.


When you edit a subscription plan, you can change the plan’s name, price, and benefits. It is important to note that you CANNOT change from a monthly plan to a permanent plan, or vice versa.

In addition, when you edit an existing subscription plan, existing subscribers will be notified through the notification and private message, as well as the new subscription plan will go into effect the following month. However, the new plan takes effect immediately for new subscribers who were not sponsored before the change.



Subscription plans without subscribers can be deleted directly. In spite of this, you CANNOT delete a plan with subscribers since you are supposed to be responsible for your supporters.


7. How to share your homepage

Putting your homepage link on your social media can help you gain more fans. You can add the homepage link to your social media profile or customize your bio link by Linktree.


8. How to add new posts

When you become a creator, you can start to use the feature of "Add New Post". You can share any content with your fans only if you follow the Community Guidelines and Terms & Conditions of UniFans.


Edit Content:

While a “Title” is not mandatory, we strongly recommend that you write one for the longer content. After publishing, fans can click on the “Title” to browse the details of your creation.

Upload Media:

You can upload images, audios, or videos. However, we currently don't support uploading images, audios and videos simultaneously. The maximum number of images per upload is 20. Additionally, you can upload one audio file or one video file at a time.

Save Draft:

Save your draft by clicking the button of "Save". You will see a reminder to edit the draft on the “Add New Post” page. Once the content is published, the draft will be automatically cleared.



Visibility Setting:

There are three categories of visibility setting: “Public-visible to everyone”; “Visible to all subscribers”; “Only visible to active members”.

When you set the visibility as “Public-visible to everyone”, the content may be recommended to all users.

When you set the visibility as “Visible to all subscribers”, the content can be displayed to all subscribers from any type of subscription plans.

When you set the visibility as “Only visible to active members”, you need to select the type/types of subscribers that can see the content.

9. Where to view Stats

You are ready to use the “Creation Center” once you become a creator. All statistics can be seen on the Creation Center - Workplace, including Withdrawable Balance, Active Subscribers, Homepage Visits in Total, Paycheck of the Month, and Post Published This Month.


10. How to manage your subscribers

Creation Center can also help you to manage your subscribers. Going to Creation Center - Workplace - Fans Management, you can see the subscriber list. The following information is visible including User ID, Current Plan, Plan’s Price, Join Date, Last Charged Date, Status and Total. Additionally, creators can contact subscribers through “Private Message”.


11. How to withdraw

As a creator, you can access "Creation Center". Go to the Creation Center - Workplace - Withdraw Income, you can view your paycheck for the month and withdraw your funds.


<aside> 💡 Note:  Recharged coins cannot be redeemed or transferred to others.


When your fans successfully subscribed to a plan, the payment will enter the settlement process. After extracting the 5% service fee, the payment will be settled in the next 7 days and displayed on the “Withdraw Income” page.

<aside> 💡 Withdrawals can be made every 14 days for a minimum amount of $20


Before withdrawing your funds, you need to authenticate your personal information first. You must be filled your official name in carefully because once it has been successfully authenticated you CANNOT modify it. It must be consistent with the name in your third-party payment accounts or bank accounts.


We support both USD and CNY withdrawals. For USD, we support Paypal and Payoneer. For CNY, we support UnionPay. All exchange and remittance about CNY will be settled by the third party of Wise.

Different withdrawal platforms may have different procedures and service fees.

<aside> 💡 Withdrawal account MUST be YOUR own account!



You can check the average processing fee cost depending on the symbol of $.